tutelage \TOO-tuhl-ij; TYOO-\, noun:
1. The act of guarding or protecting; guardianship; protection.
2. The state of being under a guardian or tutor.
3. Instruction, especially individual instruction accompanied by close attention and guidance.
But he was not yet free of his father's legal tutelage and had still to decide on a career.
-- Roland Huntford, Nansen: The Explorer as Hero
MNWildman Dictionary Definition, Northcountry Edition (2008)
tutelage \TOO-tuhl-ij; TYOO-\, noun:
1. The acoustic after-effects of consuming certain foods and beverages.
2. The relocation of trapped air and masses of gaseous product.
There was much tutelage at the lakehouse last week due to MNWildman and Uncle Bark's partaking of multiple Franziskaners, Jager Schnitzels, and Apple Dumpling Apfelknodels.
-- MNWildman Jr., age 8
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